No cold water in faucets and low hot water pressure, but the reserve tanks have water? Link to YouTube vid of priming the yellow pump. (Just press the button 15 sec. if water isn't coming out of reserve tanks.)
Link to YouTube vid of priming the pump to restore water to the pump house. (Just press the prime button a few times if water stops running up there, given the reserve tanks are full enough, and the pressure gauge on the well is above 25 or so)
The Electrical System
The Breakers are Located
in the dining room, on the wall across from the front door behind a framed print
guest rooms 1 and 4.
downstairs by the outside door
in the caretaker's apartment...
The Generator is Located in the Barn/Garage. (more about this later)
1st Action - OFF - Main Power Switch
You could electrocute Lineman, if not!
2nd Turn on Generator Breaker
Generator Breakers listed on top of braker box
All on except "I - Freezer"
Pull Generator out of Large Wooden Tool Shed
Located along recycling wall
Pull out "Choke"
Turn Gas button to Green
Make sure extension cord, choke and gas button are all lined up correctly